Maximum amount of files
Hello. I'm excited about the arrival of the Tangara. I'm an old-school offline music listener and having my -rather large- music library (of ±50.000 mp3s / 370GB) with me everywhere is of great value to me. 

This brings me to my question: when I bought my last mp3 player, I became aware that not only the size of the SD card mattered, but also the amount of tracks that the software could manage. There seemed to be vast differences in what different players could handle and I was surprised how limited the capacities of some players were. 

I couldn't find any info on this about the Tangara. Could someone elaborate on what it will be able to handle? The SD card limit seems very well suited for large amount of files. How about the file management side? 

Thanks in advance!

Cheers from the Netherlands!
Hi! We've been building the firmware with this sort of use case very much in mind. The initial indexing of such a large number of files into your database will obviously take some time, but once they've been ingested there really isn't a practical limit to the number of tracks Tangara's firmware can handle; our browsing UI performs well and uses a consistent amount of memory no matter how large the database is.

I expect there's going to be a few teething issues once people starting throwing their music libraries at the device, and there's a lot of open UX questions to sort out around how to make navigating large collections *nice*. But I'm really happy with all our fundamentals, and think we're really well set up to deal with large libraries effectively.
(2024-04-12, 10:21 PM)jacqueline Wrote: Hi! We've been building the firmware with this sort of use case very much in mind. The initial indexing of such a large number of files into your database will obviously take some time, but once they've been ingested there really isn't a practical limit to the number of tracks Tangara's firmware can handle; our browsing UI performs well and uses a consistent amount of memory no matter how large the database is.

I expect there's going to be a few teething issues once people starting throwing their music libraries at the device, and there's a lot of open UX questions to sort out around how to make navigating large collections *nice*. But I'm really happy with all our fundamentals, and think we're really well set up to deal with large libraries effectively.
Thanks for the quick response, Jacqueline. Fantastic to hear that the firmware is up for heavy-duty amounts of songs. Well, that leaves me to happily anticipate the fall..! 
Good luck with the production!

This is good news! Though, would the full scan happen every time I inserted the SD card? I've had problems with some players where I had to wait for a long time for it to do a full scan each time I added new music to my large library. It would be nice if it could somehow scan for just the differences, sort of like how MusicBee does when I ask it to scan my library for changes!
We do support incremental database updates already, but they're a little slower than I'd like them to be (~30ms per unchanged track last time I measured). I think there's still a a reasonable amount of headroom to speed it up.
Yay, that's good to hear! And yeah, things can always be improved 😀

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