Corrupted theme after firmware update
I've been messing around making some themes for my Tangara. When updating the firmware of my Tangara unit from 1.0.1 to 1.1.1 yesterday, the currently selected theme (a custom theme that I made by setting a background image and changing the color hex codes in the dark theme) became corrupted. Post-update it defaulted to the built-in "Light" theme. I could still change the theme to any of the other custom themes I had made and either of the other two built-in themes. Attempting to set the theme to the corrupted theme just kicked me back to the home screen without changing the theme.

Below I have provided the relevant output line from Windows chkdsk.

\.themes\dark_sexandviolence.lua  first allocation unit is not valid. The entry will be truncated.

Running chkdisk with the /F parameter afterwards seems to simply have deleted the dark_sexandviolence.lua file without any other noticeable change to the filesystem.

Other information that might be relevant: I created the theme using a text editor on Linux and copied the theme to the SD card from Linux directly (not using USB storage mode). I updated the firmware using the Windows Tangara companion a couple days later. I have not noted any other bugs since updating and continue to listen to music today before I head home and restore the theme from a backup I have there.
It sounds like the file became corrupted. It's odd that it happened on a firmware upgrade but I don't think anything in the update would have broken the theme or the file, so if should work fine if you copy it back in or recreate it.

Make sure to safely eject the drive from the linux computer (sync and unmount before removing should be enough), and just to be extra safe I recommend powering down the Tangara before removing the drive as well (turn the lock switch off and wait a few minutes). Unfortunately these things do just happen some times though so I recommend keeping backups locally as well.

If it happens again, please let us know. I'm happy to do some more digging if this becomes a common occurrence. Thanks Smile

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