I only poked around a little bit and couldn't find it: Is there a mode (connected and capturing) or a log I should be looking at for capturing crashes? I haven't got the toolchain up yet for compiling the firmware, but I seem to be pretty good about getting it to crash and I'd like to help fix it.
Gamer Tip: idf.py monitor -p /dev/whatever --no-reset
Mem alloc fail. size 0x0000340c caps 0x00000804
Backtrace: 0x40081a86:0x3ffd0370 0x40091861:0x3ffd0390 0x40082072:0x3ffd03b0 0x40082093:0x3ffd0420 0x4014461b:0x3ffd0440 0x40144169:0x3ffd0460 0x400ff436:0x3ffd0490 0x40084797:0x3ffd0530 0x400ffac5:0x3ffd0570 0x401d9a67:0x3ffd0590
I’m not sure, but it looks like the OS run out of the available memory.
Hmm, a 13KiB internal alloc is very reasonable from the Mp3 decoder. Most likely there's memory pressure being caused by an issue elsewhere, and the large allocs from decoding are just what's pushing things over the line.
Are you able to reproduce this issue with automatic database updates disabled? We still have some outstanding issues with high memory usage when parsing the tags of certain file types (mostly Oggs with embedded art).