Gentoo Ebuild for Tangara Companion Application
(2024-12-21, 10:43 PM)vimja Wrote: Could you add the ~arm64 keyword? I just successfully built and ran both the cli and the companion app on my rk3588 powered mnt reform. Used the companion to flash the 1.0.2 firmware, in fact.
I keyworded both ebuilds, thanks for letting me know that they do work on arm64. I’m considering blindly keywording future versions too, though I’m not sure if that’s a good idea, since I can only test them on amd64.
(2024-12-21, 10:43 PM)vimja Wrote: You should try getting your overlay added to the eselect list. I found the process to be surprisingly simple!
I can consider doing this in the future, though I would need to get an email address that I wouldn’t have a problem sharing publicly first and I would need to check what exact policies the Overlays project has — some Gentoo projects (like GURU for example) have quite strict policies about what exactly is required out of their participants.

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RE: Gentoo Ebuild for Tangara Companion Application - by ayumi - 2024-12-22, 12:48 AM

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