Chat room to discuss fw development/hacking?
If an open source platform is an absolute requirement I would recommend Zulip or MatterMost depending on your desired workflow. Zulip is used by the Rust community and is more problem oriented by forcing everything into a thread. MatterMost is more of your traditional Slack/Discord clone and has broader adoption.

I would personally recommend strongly against Matrix because beyond the Asahi issues highlighted, it also enables very easy harassment of queer dev communities that have transitioned to other platforms like Discord to avoid wasting hours of time every day dealing with said harassment. I know infosec communities that shifted to Discord because of CSAM issues with Matrix as well.

IRC is a little better because it doesn't force you to link with hostile servers, but it still has moderation and modern UX issues decades after its RFC in the 90's. So I would recommend against IRC because it is also more difficult to deal with hostile actors on top of feeling more dated

Messages In This Thread
RE: matrix room to discuss fw development/hacking? - by mechamegane - 2024-12-31, 06:47 AM

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