Something I've noticed ever since getting my Tangara is that the touch wheel kinda requires me to smoosh my finger down on it to get it to work reliably, a lighter touch tends to be extremely unreliable at best, it's pretty physically uncomfortable to use like this so I'm wondering if something's up with my Tangara or if this is normal behavior, I've seen a friend on fedi also have this problem
Like I know the way it senses touch is really different than an iPod, but the same amount of pressure that makes that thing work fine gets almost no response from my Tangara (at least on the wheel, the center button seems somewhat more responsive)
I can't figure out if this is a software problem or a hardware problem (tbf I haven't taken it apart yet to check anything) so I'm posting it here in case any of you know anything
Like I know the way it senses touch is really different than an iPod, but the same amount of pressure that makes that thing work fine gets almost no response from my Tangara (at least on the wheel, the center button seems somewhat more responsive)
I can't figure out if this is a software problem or a hardware problem (tbf I haven't taken it apart yet to check anything) so I'm posting it here in case any of you know anything