Touch wheel's not very sensitive, is that normal?
The advice does help, I'm usually trying to use the tip of my thumb (partly to avoid fat-fingering the center button), though I'm still finding the sensitivity rather low even if I use the pad of my thumb, I still have to press more than I'd like to get it to be reliable

I'm aware of it being capacitive (I remember reading your campaign update about that, pretty neat stuff), I guess I'm mainly wondering if it could be related to something like the distance between the touch wheel's cover and the PCB, but again I haven't yet had the chance to take it apart, I'm probably gonna wait to try that until I'm sure I won't need to send any more info about another issue over on the Codeberg heh 

I'm noticing the top half seems less responsive than the bottom half, which could maybe support that idea? But it's kinda hard to say

Just makes me wonder though, is it possible to adjust the sensitivity of the touch sensing in the firmware? Like, somewhere in the code to mess with, that would be interesting for me to play around with

As for the iPod comparison again, I notice on mine (a b/w 4th gen for what it's worth) that its click wheel is very sensitive, I can sometimes get it to active without making a full touch, but in practice I don't think I've ever found accidental inputs to be a problem on there, so if I could get my Tangara to be close to that then that would be really nice

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RE: Touch wheel's not very sensitive, is that normal? - by Shiny! - 2025-02-04, 07:18 AM

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