How often should the DB update?

How often should the database be updating, and is my experience normal? I am noticing that sometimes when I try and play a song I get the DB symbol at the top, and then the sound quality goes through the floor. It sounds stuttering and totally unplayable. So I wait for a bit until the DB symbol goes away and then when I try to play the same song it sounds normal. I've experimented a bit and found that this happens most times when I try to play an album, and it can happen to the same album more than once. My library is about 30GB with all .FLAC files, and I am using a very large Sandisk card that's 1.5TB because I am planning on eventually putting all my audiobooks on it which takes up a lot of storage. I had a bit of a problem at first getting my Tangara to recognize the SD card, but as soon as I updated to firmware v1.2.0 those problems went away.

I'm not sure if this warrants a Github issue, as I don't know how to translate my user experience into a technical one, but I figured I would start here and see if anyone is facing the same problem.


Messages In This Thread
How often should the DB update? - by leifspacefriend - Yesterday, 07:16 PM

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