Touch wheel's not very sensitive, is that normal?
(2025-02-04, 10:29 PM)ailurux Wrote: We use a AT42QT2120 (data sheet can be found here: set to wheel mode. I'm not entirely sure if writing a lower threshold to the detect threshold register (5.16 in the datasheet) will affect the sensitivity when also set to wheel mode, but that is where I would start.

So I tried setting the detect threshold to 5 counts (default is 10) and it seems to make it more responsive. I can quite easily scroll with a finger tip with this change.

diff --git a/src/drivers/touchwheel.cpp b/src/drivers/touchwheel.cpp
index 402b839d..0c08b091 100644
--- a/src/drivers/touchwheel.cpp
+++ b/src/drivers/touchwheel.cpp
@@ -65,6 +65,11 @@ TouchWheel::TouchWheel() {
  // so that the user's finger isn't calibrated away.
  WriteRegister(Register::RECALIBRATION_DELAY, 0);

+  // Adjust sensitivity
+  WriteRegister(Register::DETECT_THRESHOLD_BASE + 0, 5);
+  WriteRegister(Register::DETECT_THRESHOLD_BASE + 1, 5);
+  WriteRegister(Register::DETECT_THRESHOLD_BASE + 2, 5);
  WriteRegister(Register::CHARGE_TIME, 0x10);

  // Unused extra keys. All disabled.

I wonder if it might make it a bit too easy to trigger though, so maybe we want this to be configurable as a setting?

Messages In This Thread
RE: Touch wheel's not very sensitive, is that normal? - by ailurux - 2025-02-05, 12:05 AM

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