Playlist Maker
I think I had imported the ".m3u" file with the relative path option in Auxio. This wasn't the exact prefix for the file path names, but I remember I had to delete a prefix like "./..*" and replace it with "Music/*" with a text editor, as described from the "Playlists" page. (Luckily, "find and replace" will help you here.)

A side effect of having incorrect path names for a song ais that certain tracks will make Tangara suddenly stop - and if you're have a queue open with more than 2-3 songs lined up, then the music will suddenly stop. Wait long enough, and Tangara will soft crash and reboot. (I was troubleshooting a playlist, and only had this symptom. After looking at the playlist file again, I realize the path name to the offending song still had a wrong prefix. Correcting this, every song on the playlist worked correctly.)

A small note: the literal order of the imported playlist is the exact order shown in the playlist file. If you want to change up the order, then you'll have to manually rearrange the order with a text editor. Also, currently shuffling a playlist doesn't mean that every song will be played exactly once before songs repeat - this is different than how shuffling is set up in Auxio.

Messages In This Thread
Playlist Maker - by tofuvavohu - 2025-02-07, 07:59 PM
RE: Playlist Maker - by almond - 2025-02-12, 06:58 AM
RE: Playlist Maker - by taivlam - 2025-03-10, 12:53 AM
RE: Playlist Maker - by taivlam - Today, 01:22 AM
RE: Playlist Maker - by ailurux - Today, 03:17 AM

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