Hello! I just got my Tangara today and I’ve been putting it through its paces. I somehow got it into a state where I can't navigate to any submenu (currently playing, any of the browser views, or settings) so I have no way to pause the music or anything. Attempting to go anywhere but the home screen just produces a blank page where I can only go back with the long left press gesture. The documentation doesn’t provide any “hard reset” options. How can I do this?
Hi! That's no good! Apologies for the breakage. We should probably have some documentation to cover this.
If no music is playing then just leaving the lock switch in the off position for a bit should do it. But if music is playing then that's obviously not gonna cut it.
If you have access to a computer with the `esptool.py` utility by espressif, then just plugging in your device and executing `esptool.py run` is probably the safest way to reset. Otherwise a slightly more dangerous option is to pull the SD card and wait for the device to crash and reset