Would like to disable long press
Hello there,

I just got my tangara today :) I really enjoy it so far but something that I am having trouble with is the long press function on the controls. I know that in the API, here, there is reference to controls.scheme, but I cannot seem to find that in the firmware tree to look at. I did find it on input_touch_wheel.cpp but I do not know if that is the right place to make changes.

I am really new to hacking anything, but I would really like to learn. One of the other things I'd like to do is change what the menu shows and I seem to be missing quite a few tracks, too. But I will make separate threads for those.

I just wanted to know if anyone could point me in the direction of;
  • How to change the control scheme
  • How to build(?) the firmware and then flash it on to my tangara

I think with the second point, it'd be kind of cool to have a pinned guide so other people who are new to this have a place to start.

Thank you very much for reading :)
Quote:How to change the control scheme

`input_touch_wheel.cpp` or `input_touch_dpad.cpp` is the relevant file, depending on which of those control schemes you've selected.

`input_touch_wheel.cpp`, for example, has this bit:
      centre_("centre", actions::select(), {}, {}, {}),
      up_("up", {}, {}, actions::scrollToTop(), actions::scrollToTop()),
      right_("right", {}),
      left_("left", {}, {}, actions::goBack(), {}),

Those are the action bindings. Each one has (in order) a name, then actions for tap, double-tap, long press, and repeat (another tap <100ms after the previous press). `{}` means "do nothing".

So to disable long press actions, you'd replace the third action on the ones that bother you with `{}`, e.g.:

up_("up", {}, {}, {}, actions::scrollToTop()),


Quote:How to build(?) the firmware and then flash it on to my tangara

https://codeberg.org/cool-tech-zone/tang...UILDING.md is the documentation on this.

Happy to answer any more specific questions you have as you go through it (I am probably now the world's leading expert on tangara input driver hacking outside of the actual tangara developers).
Thank you very much for this, it's so useful! I am going to try doing this tonight and tomorrow and thank you for being open to answer some questions if I get a bit stuck, but hopefully I can do this :) Thank you again for your help!

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