Using Tangara as a USB source
I have a Schiit Asgard and was wondering if there is an option to have Tangara use it as the DAC through the USB connection.  If not I might try my hand at some firmware hacking  Neocat_cool

Hmm, if that is possible, I wonder if the DAC and audio amps can be turned off/put in low-power mode to conserve power while acting as my desktop stereo?
We're not going to be able to provide power to other devices over USB for the initial production run, but other than that we should be able to act as a USB audio source! We also do have pretty good low-power modes for the DAC and amp (we already power them down when your output is set to Bluetooth!)
No need for power (the Asgard has its own power supply and is a thirsty beast, it's running 500mW of Class A bias and acts as a small space heater!).

Now I'm suddenly having ideas of an auxiliary bluetooth control panel widget on my computer for Tangara... so much hacking potential
Are you saying that I'll be able to use an external DAC with my Tangara?  Please say yes.
So long as the external DAC is a self-powered USB host, I think it's possible. Those seem like some fairly hefty caveats to me, although I admit I don't have a great knowledge of the kinds of interfaces that are common for external DACs.
(2024-10-05, 10:48 PM)jacqueline Wrote: So long as the external DAC is a self-powered USB host, I think it's possible. Those seem like some fairly hefty caveats to me, although I admit I don't have a great knowledge of the kinds of interfaces that are common for external DACs.

There's a trick to supply power to any USB device even if it doesn't have its own dedicated power supply: a USB hub! Nowadays some USB-C hubs have a port for USB-PD input that can both charge the host and power the peripherals. I use a little USB-C hub with a battery pack to power my RME Babyface Pro to use it with my Android phone (most Android phones with USB-C ports can supply enough bus power but the Babyface Pro drains their battery in like an hour). It would be cool to be able to do this with Tangara!

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