Panning?... EQ?...
Hello Tangara Gurus! (Tangurus??...) 

I was wondering whether you plan to implement a panning function. Probably (hopefully), such a feature is not a big challenge. It would be very much appreciated, though. 

The reason I'm asking this is that my hearing has suffered a bit from too many gigs in close proximity to drummers and PA stacks and one ear has some dips (as I'm sure many people, musicians or not, have). Panning is a compromise of a solution, but much better than volumes differences left to right. 

Do you plan to include an EQ in the firmware, as well? 

Thanks for any answers. I'm really looking forward to this player.

The new case looks very slick, by the way!

Cheers from the Netherlands,
Tangurus... I like it! Does it rhyme with kangaroos?

Yep, being able to tweak L/R volume balance is definitely on our radar. It's already implemented for wired headphones, but we've not gotten around to implementing it for Bluetooth yet.

I'm definitely also interested in doing some limited on-device EQ. We certainly have enough processing power to pull it off, but we haven't implemented it yet.

Finally, I put forward "Tangurren Lagann".
Thanks for your answer, ehh ..Tangurren Lagann. 
(Should I think 'Welsh' or more 'Hobbit' to decipher this term?..)   [Image: smile.png]

Good to hear about the panning option. I'll happily await the magic gadget! 


And as soon as I hear that my initial request seems to be implemented, I come up with another one..

If the EQ sees the light of day (which would be fantastic), it would be an enormous feature for anyone with hearing troubles if you could select whether the EQ is applied stereo, of just on the left or the right side. With this feature, users could bring the music back in balance even more accurate than just with panning. 

Just a thought..

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